sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

Seli te iubesc

Hey guys ./... cmf ?? va scriu despre un vechi interviu cu Selena care il iubesc de tot

“I always try to tell my fans that I never really can truly explain to them how grateful i am for them. I can’t really understand the fact that I can just go on a stage for an hour and sign as many autographs as I can and they’re okay with that.. And they wait 10 hours, fly from different countries and wait all day. And me just doing that is good enough? I don’t feel.. like thats enough.. They’re amazing.”
“I always try to tell my fans that I never really can truly explain to them how grateful i am for them. I can’t really understand the fact that I can just go on a stage for an hour and sign as many autographs as I can and they’re okay with that.. And they wait 10 hours, fly from different countries and wait all day. And me just doing that is good enough? I don’t feel.. like thats enough.. They’re amazing

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